Cena: 26 €

  • Godina:2019
  • Lokacija:Beograd
  • Datum:26.02.2025.

Osnovni podaci

  • Tip delova: Auto oprema
  • Kategorija: Presvlake

Glavna slika -  majce za sedišta kombi vozila 1+2 - MojAuto

Podaci o prodavcu

  • Auto plac:DARK SHOP
  • Adresa Zaplanjska 41a
  • Telefon 0113973697
  • Telefon 063251821
  • Web www.darkshop.rs
  • Radno vreme 9-20 h radni dani,9-19 subotom
Da biste dobili najbolje uslove kod prodavca, kažite da ste oglas videli na MojAuto.rs

Komentar oglašivaca

majce za sediste kombi vozila 1+2. 100% pamuk. cena:3050 rsd/garnitura. the universal carriages fit perfectly into the shape of the seats. Self-protectors protect the surface of the car seats against dirt and wear. Made of 100% cotton laminated with polyurethane foam. A choice of colors: yellow, red, blue, gray, black, green. Autotracks may not be installed on seats with side airbags. it fits perfectly to the seat it is hygroscopic and it absorbs the sweat it does not not electrify.