Šifra oglasa:1720623
Cena: 85 €
- Godina:2014
- Lokacija:Beograd
- Datum:19.02.2025.
Osnovni podaci
- Tip delova: Auto oprema
- Kategorija: Ostala auto oprema

Podaci o prodavcu
- Auto plac:DARK SHOP
- Adresa Zaplanjska 41a
- Telefon 0113973697
- Telefon 063251821
- Web www.darkshop.rs
- Radno vreme 9-20 h radni dani,9-19 subotom
Komentar oglašivaca
NORVESKA CARAPA AUTOSOCK/ZAMENA ZA LANCE/PO ZAKONU O BEZBEDNOSTI U SAOBRACAJU WWW.DARKSHOP.RS *PREDNOSTI:MONTAZA 2 MINUTA,DEMONTAZA 1 MINUT. *BOLJE PERFORMANSE VOZILA NA LEDU I SNEGU/PERE SE U MASINI NA 30 STEPENI *U PAKOVANJU:PAR CARAPA,RUKAVICE,TORBICA. Perfect temporary winter aid for vehicles Approved by TÜV SÜD and leading car manufacturers Certified as a Snow Chain equivalent in more and more countries Easy and fast to fit and remove, even in cold and difficult weather Lightweight and easy to store Comfortable while driving – does not cause noise nor vibrations Self-centering Reusable and machine washable Recyclable and environmental friendly Usable with alloy rims - even when metal chains are not allowed! No damage to alloy rims Works on all vehicles with low clearance between tire and car body Improves electronic safety systems (ABS, ESP). The AutoSock is a newly developed tire cover, aimed at increasing tire-to-road friction when driving cars on icy or snowy roads: